An Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) is an oscillator operated inside a temperature controlled oven which keeps the crystal and the oscillator circuit at a constant temperature. OCXOs are widely used in telecommunications, satellite, broadcast and other professional applications.
Product Information
We offer a comprehensive range of both THROUGH-HOLE and SURFACE MOUNTED OCXO’s.
Please consult us for your specific requirement.
We offer a wide variety of Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCO) for any of your applications.
Product Information
Frequency range:
- 30 MHz up to 4.0 GHz
- Wide linear tuning range
- Low current consumption
- Wide frequency range
Please consult us for your specific requirement.
We provide a full range of ceramic filters and crystal filters in through-hole and surface mount version.
Product Information
We offer a comprehensive range of both THROUGH-HOLE and SURFACE MOUNTED FILTERS.
Please consult us for your specific requirement.
HM International provides a full range of ceramic resonators in through-hole and surface mount version. Ceramic resonators stand between quartz crystal oscillators and LC/RC oscillators in regards to accuracy. They come with two or three terminals leaded type or surface-mount type.
Please consult us for your specific requirement.
We offer a comprehensive range of both THROUGH-HOLE and SURFACE MOUNTED SAW RESONATORS and SAW FILTERS.
SAW Filter
SAW – Surface Acoustic Wave Filters are being recognized by more and more public figures because of its good features and performances. They have been widely used in communication, CATV, wireless remote control, satellite receivers, radio and video transmission fields.We can supply you high performance, high quality and stability SAW filters which frequencies cover from 23.4 MHz to 2GHz.
SAW Resonator
SAW – Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators are being recognized by more and more public figures because of its good features and performances. They have been widely used in communication, CATV, wireless remote control, satellite receivers, radio and video transmission fields.We can supply you high performance, high quality and stability SAW resonators which frequencies cover from 50MHz to 1GHz.
Please consult us for your specific requirement.